
When to Opt for D&O Insurance: A Business Guide for Timing and Necessity

D&O insurance is a type of liability insurance covering directors and officers of a company, or the organization itself, for claims made against them while serving on a board of directors and/or as an officer.

Kevin Mahoney



When to Opt for D&O Insurance: A Business Guide for Timing and Necessity


Directors’ and Officers’ (D&O) insurance is a type of liability insurance covering directors and officers of a company, or the organization itself, for claims made against them while serving on a board of directors and/or as an officer. Companies should consider getting D&O insurance in the following situations:

Attracting and Retaining Talented Executives: HavingD&O insurance can make a company more attractive to potential executives. Knowing they are protected can be a strong incentive for talented individuals to join or stay with the company.

Raising Capital or Going Public: When a company seeks investment, especially venture capital or is preparing for an Initial PublicOffering (IPO), D&O insurance becomes essential. Investors and underwriters often require this insurance as it minimizes the risk to company leaders in the event of litigation.

When Operating in Industries with Higher Litigation Risks:Certain industries face more litigation risks than others. Companies in these sectors should get D&O insurance early to protect their leaders from potential lawsuits.

Increasing Regulatory Scrutiny: If a company is in an industry that is heavily regulated or is experiencing increased regulatory scrutiny, D&O insurance can help protect against claims of regulatory non-compliance.

Complex Business Operations: As a company grows and its operations become more complex, the risk of lawsuits alleging mismanagement or wrongful acts also increases. D&O insurance can be crucial in these scenarios.

When Dealing with International Markets: If a company operates or plans to expand internationally, the different legal environments and increased exposure to risks make D&O insurance important.

If the Company Has a Board of Directors: Even small or private companies with a board of directors should consider D&O insurance. Board members often require such protection as a condition of their service.

Growing Public Profile or Revenue: Companies that are experiencing rapid growth or increased public attention should consider D&O insurance to protect against the higher risk of litigation that often accompanies success.

Contractual Requirements: Sometimes, contracts with clients, partners, or other entities may require a company to have D&O insurance.

Before Any Potential Issues Arise: It's advisable to have D&O insurance in place before any potential legal issues or claims arise. It's a proactive measure that can save significant stress and financial burden in the future.

Each company’s situation is unique, and the decision to purchase D&O insurance should be based on a thorough risk assessment and consultation with an insurance professional. To determine whether D&O is necessary for your business, contact Koru for a complimentary evaluation.