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Featured Articles


The First Time AM Best Has Ever Been Positive on the Reinsurance Sector

AM Best recently shifted its outlook on the global reinsurance market to positive for the first time in history, reflecting improved market conditions and potential profitability. The last significant change was in 2018 when the outlook was upgraded to stable, with no record of a previous positive outlook. This notable change, coinciding with AM Best's 125th anniversary, highlights the enhanced return potential driven by higher pricing and stricter coverage terms in the reinsurance sector, benefiting both traditional reinsurance and insurance-linked securities (ILS) markets.

General Business

ILS: Transforming from Competitor to Strategic Partner, Elevating the Reinsurance Sector to New Heights

Artemis Update: AM Best has upgraded its outlook on the global reinsurance sector from stable to positive for the first time in over a decade, highlighting robust profit margins and improved underwriting conditions. The rating agency now views insurance-linked securities (ILS) as strategic partners rather than competitors, emphasizing their role in supporting traditional reinsurers. Despite a deceleration in reinsurance pricing, AM Best notes that underwriting discipline and healthy profit margins are expected to be maintained.

General Business

May to Break Another Cat Bond Record: Biggest Month of Issuance Ever

Exciting news in the world of finance and risk management! May is set to break records as the biggest month of catastrophe bond issuance ever. According to a recent article from Artemis, the market is experiencing unprecedented growth, highlighting the increasing demand for innovative risk transfer solutions.

General Business

KORU Community Support

Koru Risk Management makes it a priority to support non-profit and community based charitable organizations that exist to foster and improve overall health and wellness, inclusion, and other essential services that improve the quality of life for the most vulnerable members of our community.

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