Fiduciary Liability Insurance

Fiduciary liability insurance is a popular vehicle for protecting individuals charged with the responsibility of creating, managing, and administering employee benefit plans within business organizations.

Coverage Scope

Fiduciary Duties: Fiduciary liability insurance primarily covers claims related to breaches of fiduciary duties. This includes allegations of mismanagement, negligence, errors, omissions, or imprudent investment decisions in the management of employee benefit plans.

Legal Defense: The policy typically covers legal defense costs, including attorney fees, court expenses, and settlements or judgments in covered claims. This is essential because legal disputes related to employee benefit plans can be complex and costly to resolve.

ERISA Compliance: Fiduciary liability insurance helps ensure compliance with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which governs the management and operation of employee benefit plans in the United States.


Risk Mitigation: Fiduciary Liability Insurance helps individuals and entities serving as fiduciaries manage the substantial financial risks associated with potential breaches of fiduciary duties, reducing the impact on their financial stability.

Compliance: It encourages fiduciaries to act prudently, in accordance with ERISA regulations and best practices, to minimize the likelihood of legal claims related to their management of employee benefit plans.

Talent Attraction and Retention: Having fiduciary liability insurance can enhance a fiduciary's reputation and make it more attractive to individuals willing to serve in such roles, which is essential for the successful administration of employee benefit plans.

Legal and Regulatory Requirements: In many cases, fiduciary liability insurance may be required by law, by employee benefit plan documents, or by clients or organizations overseeing the plan.

Koru Korner

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